Kate NEO
Some people will never get a chance to travel, so I feel very honored that this opportunity has been given to me. Therefore, it is with great respect for this chance, that I want to inspire others, especially those who think leaving their comfort zone is too risky, dangerous, or too expensive.
Travel photography can illustrate the beauty of our incredible planet , take you to places you never imagined of going, invites one to see how others live in other parts of the world, and perhaps inspire a vacation/adventure or new place to call home.
We often want to gain the experience of travel, but we build walls of FEAR.
Fear that we will have to face something we can't handle, fear we might lose or gain something, that will change our life, perhaps personal knowledge or growth we don't feel ready for.
When I realized that only way to find "real me" was to leave my comfort zone, I accepted the challenge & broke down my own walls of fear. I grabbed my camera and left my country. It has been more then 15 years since I have left my home town & I have never regretted a single moment. Now, I hope to lend courage with the adventures my photos portray.
I have chosen photography as a way of sharing my travels with you, but also I understand you might have lots of questions, so invite you to share your questions with me via email or on Facebook!
Especially if you are keen on extending your knowledge of a place I have visited or you would like to hire me as a photographer.
Also you can subscribe for updates on my travels using the form below.
Happy and safe travels!
Your fellow Adventurer & Photographer
Kate Neo